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Own Your Brilliance

Stand Out and Attract Opportunities Faster

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It can be easy to feel like everyone else has something more, or at least a longer list of skills, to offer the world.


The truth? Nobody can offer exactly what you can. You're the only one who changes rooms the way you do when you enter. The only one who has walked your path, triumphed after hardships, developed your precise skillsets, and cultivated the passions you have.


Until we are asked the right questions, it can be very challenging to succinctly articulate exactly what sets us apart. 


Download this free guide to own your unique brilliance so you can expertly articulate it in interviews and with any new warm connections you make. Because clarity is the quickest path to your next dream opportunity. ​​

Foolproof Formula to
Kick-Start Your Pivot 

(And Kick Some Stress to the Curb!)

You're burnt out or consistently unfulfilled in the work you're doing. But, even beginning to think about making a major change is overwhelming.


You also know that it's probably best not to make major life and career decisions while feeling this way. (You smart cookie, you.)


So, before you tip your desk over and toss your keys at a nearby colleague, download this FREE formula and customizable PLAN. Gift yourself this deceptively simple, little known and often ignored, but absolutely necessary first step to create the clarity you need. (It's a step I take with every career coaching client and the exact first step I took when I decided to pivot because the thing works.

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Your Career clarity formula 

a compassionate guide

Embrace Yourself and Evolve (in a Midlife Pivot)

A Compassionate Guide for Tenacious Women Returning to Their Inner Knowing

As you take steps forward towards (or on) a midlife pivot, you’ve already got a mountain to climb. May the words here help bolster and guide you at whatever stage of the climb you find yourself on.


You may just find the nudge or the understanding you need to help you through one of the tougher days.


What's included in this E-Book?



Awareness: Meet Your Newest Superpower 

  • Reflection: A gift you give yourself

  • The self-compassion switch 
  • Identify your strengths (and lean in)
  • Try mindfulness and meditation


Alignment: When New Values Spur New Mindsets

  • Embrace change 

  • Set boundaries like a boss

  • Celebrate small wins: It's mandatory

  • Challenge your definition of success


Action: Walking the Walk

  • Dip a toe into a healthy(ish) lifestyle

  • Get inspired

  • Explore something new​

  • Find your support system


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